Thursday, August 7, 2008

Catching Some Rays

Now that the storm has passed, it's time to preen a bit, fluff up those feathers, enjoy a dust bath and soak up some rays!

Whoops...Mama Turkey has spotted me. Gathering up her poults, she stalks off with them in tow to find a little privacy.

The poults have grown rapidly and now resemble miniature versions of Mama. These youngsters will soon be approaching the end of their brief childhood. In the fall, the male poults will leave their mother to join the male flock, while the female poults will remain with Mama until the following spring. At that time, they'll be ready to breed--and the cycle will continue.


World Bird Sanctuary said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting our blog. We have lots of wild turkeys on the park grounds as well. I always have to wait for them to cross the road.

What kind of squirrel is Tony Peanut? He's so dark! He looks like a real character.

SW Michigander said...

Tony is a fox squirrel. It's hard to tell from the photos but he is more brindley than black.

And yes, he's quite a character. I've never known anyone like him!

Lucille said...

Precious! Your blog and photos are WONDERFUL!!! I see we are kindred spirits :)